7/14/12 – About 13 weeks pregnant
Well, I was really hoping that I would magically wake up the
morning of week 13 with no morning sickness but alas, it persists. My midwife
says that hopefully it will ease up between 15-18 weeks so that’s the new light
at the end of the tunnel.
On the up side, Peapod was looking more humanoid at my 12
week ultrasound. Which means that it looks less like a gummy bear and more like
Skeletor. Progress, people. I gave Joe a high five when I read that the little
peanut should no longer have a tail at this point. Good work, baby.
Pregnancy is pretty amazing in that I’m pretty sure I’m
still eating at a calorie deficit but have somehow still managed to put on a
couple pounds. Like, where are you getting this extra stuff to store? Are you
converting my bones to fat stores? I was kind of hoping I could avoid that
pesky gaining weight part of pregnancy. Thanks, evolution.
I’m a pretty little chick and was feeling pretty okay about
my total lack of baby bump until I googled what other women look like this far
along and now I totally have a complex. Some of these women have legit cute
little bumps. And I look like I ate too many cupcakes last night, if that.
So lesson learned. Do not, I repeat, do not, google
anything. You will be totally paranoid about how your pregnancy compares to
others and then you will convince yourself that the cherries you ate half an
hour ago are going to poison you with listeria because you are a fool that
never washes fruit. Also, all the glowing pregnant ladies with cute bumps and
not a lick of nausea will send you into a murderous rage.
So don’t google stuff. Instead you should probably eat some
macaroni and cheese while watching episodes of Jersey Shore. It’s working out for me pretty well.
Everybody has been asking me if I’ve been having cravings yet
and the short answer is no. Every food makes me want to die. There are some
foods that make me want to die less, if you want to call that “cravings”.
Probably worse than food actually is any fluid, which I just can’t stomach. I
read in a pregnancy book the other idea that I should be striving for 12
glasses of water a day and I actually snorted. I consider it a great
accomplishment if I’m able to gag down 32 oz of fluid in my 9 hour work day.
Someone we work with brought in sugar free lemonade from Hot Dog on a Stick and
I was able to drain that sucker pretty good. So I’m all about lemon water and
lemonade right now. Peanut butter and fruit are other faithful standbys. But
really, these are things I was semi-obsessed with before pregnancy so who
In other news, pregnancy has made me even lamer than my
usual lame self but provides an excellent excuse to take bubble baths before
going to sleep at 8 pm. It also had made me fully appreciate the true beauty that
is Cinnamon Toast Crunch*. But let’s be honest, you don’t have to be knocked up
to realize that.
*This message was not brought to you by Cinnamon Toast
Crunch. However, I will not turn away large sums of money from General Mills if
they wish to offer it to me. Just putting that out there.